The Origami Yoda series is perfect for family read-alouds

This series of illustrated novels by the U.S. writer Tom Angleberger is so addictively enjoyable that your kid might just put down the video game console and devour them before the summer’s up

American author Tom Angleberger was inspired by the famous artist Fumiaki Kawahata’s origami Yoda when he wrote his charming series of books about a group of sixth graders who become better friends while making paper puppets in the likenesses of Star Wars characters.

Who could have imagined that such an esoteric beginning would spark a creative project that would spread so far and wide as Angleberger’s massively popular series?

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Radiant Shimmering Light sparkles with originality

Sarah Selecky’s fizzy novel about what it’s like to be a woman now is the kind of book you read in one big gulp — and then share with five friends

If you pack this book in your tote for a long weekend spent by a lake, don’t be surprised to find you’re completely ignoring your friends. The story of Lilian Quick’s enlightenment amidst the world of personal development in Manhattan demands you keep reading ’til it’s done.

A likeable but frustrating main character, Lilian is a pet portraitist and seer of animal auras. She struggles to make rent in Toronto, but just as things are looking up thanks to celebrity endorsement by the fictional queen of Canadian lit, Nana Boondahl, Lilian finds herself with a job offer to in New York.

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