Radical Candor cover

Radical Candor asks leaders to embrace the difficult conversations

Don’t like giving honest feedback? If you’re a leader, it’s an important part of your job

Kim Scott’s influential bestseller, Radical Candor, is a worthy read.

It teaches a universal, practical skill

No matter who you are, what stage you’re at in life, what your relationship is with whomever you work or live with, feedback is a useful skill. It’s like a fertilizer for all other types of growth. By learning the techniques and mindset of giving and receiving feedback, you could noticeably improve your relationships, your skills, and your world.

It tells relatable stories

Some biz books are dry, boring, theoretical looks at how to be more effective. But not this one. Author Kim Scott tells stories about her past as a wizard of leadership at Facebook, Google, Apple, and other Silicon Valley businesses. By telling stories about experiences she’s had in the past, Scott makes her ideas about radical candor real and convinces the reader to buy into the concept. She isn’t afraid to use her own failures as examples, either, which makes it all the more relatable and useful.

It will help you navigate the modern tech workplace

Though its stories take place mostly set in Silicon Valley’s tech companies, Radical Candor could be useful to people in any culture. Scott makes it clear that today’s workplaces can be esoteric and trend-bucking. The norms of any company’s culture reflect the individuals who lead them. But skilled and well-timed feedback helps people work together better, no matter what the norms of their culture. The author’s story give explains how tech leaders can use honest critique to help their teams get the right shit done at the right timeā€”but without being a jerk. (Hint: It’s all about praise.)

My takeaway: Start with praise

This book has inspired me to create a feedback culture in my own life. With my family, coworkers, friends, and acquaintances, I hereby vow to give generous praise before asking if constructive critique would be helpful.

Do you want to learn to give and receive feedback?

Do you want to lead yourself toward a goal?

Do you want to lead others toward a common goal, without being a jerk?

If so, you should read this book.

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